Our Mission

We bring together civil society, activists, and experts engaged in climate, migration, and displacement issues to improve understanding and align advocacy across policy spaces.


Steering Group

Andrew Fuys, Senior Director, Global Migration, Church World Service

Shakirul Islam, Chairman, Ovibashi Karmi Unnayan Program (OKUP)

Pefi Kingi, PacificWIN and Pacific Islands Association of Non-Governmental Organisations

Marie Lobjoy, International Advocacy Officer, International Migration, Secours Catholique-Caritas France

Helena Olea, Associate Director of Programs, Alianza Americas

Ranjan Panda, Convener, Water Initiatives

Jocelyn Perry, Senior Advocate & Program Manager, Climate Displacement, Refugees International

Salote Soqo, Director of Advocacy, Global Displacement, Unitarian Universalist Service Committee

Evalyn Tennant, Independent Consultant

Christian Wolff, Migration & Displacement Programme Manager, ACT Alliance


Participating Organizations
& Focal Points

ACT Alliance
Christian Wolff, Migration & Displacement Programme Manager


Alianza Americas
Helena Olea, Associate Director of Programs

Amy Shannon, Senior Adviser

Hazel Contreras, Regional Coordinator

Brot fuer die Welt
Annika Rach, Consultant, International Climate Advisor

Caritas Interationalis

Cecilia Nicoletti, Advocacy Officer on Migration

Church World Service (CWS)
Andrew Fuys, Senior Director, Global Migration

Civil Society Action Committee
Colin Rajah, Coordinator

Climate Refugees
Amali Tower, Founder & Executive Director

Human Rights Watch (HRW)
Clara Long, Associate Director, U.S. Migrants’ Rights

Naomi Steinberg, Vice President, Policy & Advocacy

International Catholic Migration Commission (ICMC)
Stéphane Jaquemet, Policy Director

International Refugee Assistance Project (IRAP)
Nisha Agarwal, Deputy Executive Director

Mercy International Association
Cecilie Kern, Global Policy & Research Advocate

Migrant Forum in Asia (MFA)
William Gois, Regional Coordinator

National Network for Immigrant and Refugee Rights (NNIRR)
Alma Maquitico, Co-Director

Norwegian Refugee Council
Nina Birkeland, Senior Adviser, Disaster Displacement & Climate Change

Trine Jensen, Grants Management Officer

Ovibashi Karmi Unnayan Program (OKUP)
Shakirul Islam, Chairman

Oxfam America
Noah Gottschalk, Global Policy Lead

Lauren Stuart, Associate Adviser, Climate Change

Pacific Islands Association of Non-Governmental Organisations & PacificWin
Pefi Kingi

Refugee and Migratory Movements Research Unit (RMMRU)
Dr. Tasneem Siddiqui, Founding Chair

Refugees International
Jocelyn Perry, Senior Advocate & Program Manager, Climate Displacement Program

Secours Catholique-Caritas France
Patricia Spadaro, Policy & Advocacy Officer, International Migration

Vositha Wijenayake, Executive Director

Dennis Mombauer, Director, Research & Knowledge Management

South American Network for Environmental Migrations - RESAMA
Erika Pires Ramos, Founder

Unlad Kabayan
Mayan Villalba, Senior Advisor & Member of the Board

Ann Jean Lumaya, Co-Director

Alma Luzada, Co-Director

Unitarian Universalist Service Committee (UUSC)
Salote Soqo, Director of Advocacy, Global Displacement

Water Initiatives
Ranjan Panda, Convener


Jerome Elie
Senior Policy Officer, Head of Forced Migration, ICVA

Kati Garrison

Amina Maharjan
Senior Specialist, Livelihoods & Migration, ICIMOD

Jessica Olson
Senior Climate Lead—Gender, Equity, & Environment, Sierra Club

John Slocum
Executive Director, Refugee Council USA

Doreen Stabinsky
Professor, College of the Atlantic

Catherine Tactaquin
Former Executive Director, National Network for Immigrant and Refugee Rights

Evalyn Tennant

Beza Tesfaye
Director of Research & Learning, Migration & Climate Change, Mercy Corps

Kimberley Thomas
Assistant Professor, Department of Geography & Urban Studies, Temple University



In 2018, a diverse coalition of civil society organizations formed the Climate, Migration, and Displacement Platform (CMDP) during the negotiations of the Global Compact for Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration (GCM) to advocate for inclusion of language that explicitly acknowledged climate change as a driver of migration and on enhanced protection and migration pathways for people moving in such contexts. Since that time, CMDP has continued to bring together civil society organizations, activists, and experts to align advocacy and bridge gaps between climate justice, human and migrant rights, disaster risk reduction, humanitarian, and displacement advocacy communities interested in climate, migration, and displacement policy outcomes.  

To date, CMDP has organized official submissions as a group to various processes, including for the 2020 UNHCR High Commissioner’s DialogueUN Secretary-General's High-Level Panel on Internal Displacement, and the 24th Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change in Katowice. CMDP has also played a formative role in climate change and migration thematic sessions at Civil Society Days held at the 11th Global Forum on Migration and Development (GFMD) in Marrakesh and the 13th GFMD in Quito. While these are global processes, CMDP and its members aim to ensure that the voices and needs of people in affected communities are more effectively reflected—and that these outcomes are conveyed to members and partners in ways that facilitate their access to advocacy, practical information, and tools they need to participate in the policies that affect their futures.